Hello, I'm Tina!
Holistic Healer, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Life Coach, and more...
Having you here - simply browsing through this page - is a blessing to me.
I have always been called to serve others in a number of different ways, and I believe that everything I've done has lead me right here, right now.
Thank you for joining me.
My personal motivations:
I want to support and witness people as they discover their true power.
I believe people need - and deserve - open spaces, validation, and accountability.
I love the way the mind, body, and spirit connect and make unique magic for each of us
What I have to offer:
Openness - I am willing to be vulnerable, honest, and believe the hard topics are the most important to discuss
Experience - 7 years of my own personal development through counseling and programs, 20 years of activism, 14 years as an educator for youth and adults
Grace - I genuinely accept that which is & when that is difficult for me, I look within myself to understand.
Short Bio
I am an educator by trade. I've taught middle school social studies for 8 years, since 2004. During my time "out of the classroom", I was active in public education through curriculum writing, PhD. attempting, professional development creating, and conference attending. (yup...prime dork right here!)
I am an anti-racist, social justice advocate who is 100% committed to doing everything in my power to perpetuate equity. The work begins, and will forever continue, within myself. I envision a world of true peace and filling every space with all that empowers its expanse.
I am a firm believer in growth, vulnerability, rebellion, and an honest willingness to investigate anything I think I 'know'.
I love to research anything - for almost any reason...but I'm learning to use timers so I don't get lost in the land of rabbit holes!
I am a Highly Sensitive Person, a pretty damn good wife, and a mother who is trying to ignore her very loud inner-critic.
**I am also quite aware that the ego part of me just had a chance to dance and sing while I typed that...which was fun!
The truth is that my spirit, energy, and essence are connected to every being in this expansive universe and that we are truly one.